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Getting to Know the 7 Chakras

LifePhysician, LLC

If you’ve ever been even faintly interested in yoga or so-called “new wave” practices, you most probably have encountered the word chakra. The term itself means “wheel,” but in application, this actually refers to the so-called spinning disks of energy points throughout the body.

It is believed that these disks must be kept open and balanced to keep body and mind in perfect harmony. Chakra points are not distributed randomly, but are instead connected to major organs, nerves, and other energetic areas that affect not only physical health but also emotional well-being.

If a chakra is blocked, then the energy supposed to be flowing through it is unable to do so, resulting in illness or negativity. Over all, there are said to be 114 chakras, seven of which are the main ones running down the spine.

Read on to know more about the seven chakras:

Root - Located on the tailbone, the Root chakra is said to be connected to the tailbone, legs, male reproductive parts, prostate gland, and the immune system. Emotionally, a blocked Root chakra manifests in feelings largely concerned with basic survival needs, such as food, shelter, and money.

Sacral - Go two inches below your navel, and there you would find your Sacral chakra. This is related to sexual and reproductive issues, lower back pain, and urinary tract and kidney infections. It is said that you should clear your Sacral chakra to address fear of commitment and impotence, recover from betrayals, let go of addictions, and express emotions.

Solar Plexus - Meanwhile, go three inches above your navel and there you have the Solar Plexus chakra. This one is specifically connected to digestion, stomach and colon health, liver function, blood pressure, diabetes, and fatigue. Emotionally, this is where issues of the self, such as power and esteem, sit.

Heart - This chakra is located where it says it is: the heart. When blocked, it can lead to illnesses like cardiovascular disease, asthma, lung issues, lymphatic system issues, breast health problems, and even all the way to the shoulders and upper back. A blocked Heart chakra also means being jealous, angry, bitter, afraid of loneliness, and feeling abandoned.

Throat - Also sitting where it says it would be, the Throat chakra is connected to issues of sore throat, thyroid, and laryngitis, but shoulder and neck pain, as well as ear infections. Take care of your Throat chakra so you can have better will-power, overcome fear of communication, and have a better sense of control.

Third Eye - Your third eye is located between your eyebrows, and is connected to issues such as headaches, sinuses, blurred vision, hearing loss, as well as hormonal imbalance. It is said to be a chakra that aids self-reflection, and is also the most sensitive, impacting your mood.

Crown - This refers to the chakra at the top of the head, and impacts your sensitivity to your immediate surroundings, light, depression, and learning. Self-doubt, confusion, and prejudice are the key manifestations of a blocked chakra.

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