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Glastonbury  ShaftesburyEngland

earth's heart chakra

Glastonbury & Shaftesbury, England. Associated with love, compassion, giving and forgiving.

Air disperses and integrates spiritual understanding of love, compassion, and connection to everything you encounter. Air, like love, is within and all around us. We can embody this element by keeping our heart center open and our love free-flowing.


Druid Myths & Legends

Druids left no written accounts. While they were reported to have been literate, they are believed to have been prevented by doctrine from recording their knowledge in written form. 


The Druids' Teachings


The Druids taught that the human soul was immortal and that, upon death, it passed into the body of a newborn child.

The Druids believed in a supreme god, whom they called Be' al, meaning "the source of all beings." The symbol of this supreme being was fire. But the Druids also worshiped many lesser gods.


The early Druids regarded the oak tree as sacred and carried out their religious rituals in oak forests. In fact, the name Druid means "knowing the oak tree" in Celtic. The mistletoe, a plant that often grows on oak trees, also had an important role in the religion. According to the ancient Roman writer Pliny, Druids worshiped the mistletoe because they believed it had dropped from heaven and offered a sign that the oak tree upon which it grew had been selected by their god. Furthermore, the Druids associated the mistletoe with healing powers.

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Celtic creation myth

In this myth, in the beginning there was no time, no gods and no people but where the sea met the land a white mare made of sea-foam was born called Eiocha.

Eventually she gave birth to the god Cernunnos, and together they then created more gods; Maponos the God of Youth, Tauranis the God of Thunder, Teutates the Protector and the fertility goddess Epona.

But when the gods and goddesses were grown up, Eiocha left the land to return to her life as a sea-mare and became known as Tethra goddess of the deep.

The gods and goddesses then created a man, a woman and the animals from bark from the oak tree that grew on the land. But this provoked the sea giants who fought a war with the gods.

The paradise they had created was destroyed but eventually the sea giants were beaten and Epona, managed to save just one man and one woman who went on to create all human life.



The Song of Amergin:

"I am the wind that blows across the sea"

Amergin Glúingel ("white knees") is a barddruid and judge for the Milesians in the Irish Mythological Cycle.


He was appointed Chief Ollam of Ireland by his two brothers the kings of Ireland. A number of poems attributed to Amergin are part of the Milesian mythology.

I am the wind on the sea;

I am the wave of the sea;

I am the bull of seven battles;

I am the eagle on the rock

I am a flash from the sun;

I am the most beautiful of plants;

I am a strong wild boar;

I am a salmon in the water;

I am a lake in the plain;

I am the word of knowledge;

I am the head of the spear in battle;

I am the god that puts fire in the head;

Who spreads light in the gathering on the hills?

Who can tell the ages of the moon?

Who can tell the place where the sun rests?

I am the wind...

Within ancient Druidism, there were three specialties. "A general categorization of the three different grades accords the arts to the Bards, the skills of prophecy and divination to the Ovates and philosophical, teaching, counseling and judicial tasks to the Druid.

Their practices were similar to those of priests today, connecting the people with the gods, but their role was also varied and wide-ranging, acting as teachers, scientists, judges and philosophers. They were incredibly powerful and respected, able to banish people from society for breaking the sacred laws, and even able to come between two opposing armies and prevent warfare! They did not have to pay taxes or serve in battle. Druid women were also considered equal to men in many respects. They could take part in wars and even divorce their husbands!

All aspects of Druidism were well structured and ordered; from the hierarchy of the Druid class, to their pattern of life that followed nature’s cycles. They observed lunar, solar and seasonal cycles and worshipped according to these on 8 main holy days.

Their places of worship (‘Temples of the Druids’) were quiet, secluded areas, like clearings in woods and forests, and stone circles. Probably the most famous stone circle in Britain is Stonehenge, an ancient megalithic monument dating back to about 2400 B.C. 

The Isle of Ynys Mon, Anglesey, and Wistman’s Wood in Dartmoor are both believed to be Druidic sites. Indeed, Anglesey was supposedly a place where Druids were taught. It took about 20 years to learn the lore, as it was complex and had to be learnt off by heart as they rarely used a written language. This is one reason why we know so little about them. 

what happened to the druids?


What happened was a massacre. Men, women and children - armed and unarmed, young and old - fell under the swords of the Romans. The bodies of the dead and dying were unceremoniously hurled onto makeshift funeral pyres.

Suetonius and his soldiers then roamed across the island, destroying the druids sacred oak groves, smashing their altars and temples and killing anyone they could find.

The Roman general next proceeded to establish a garrison on Anglesey, a military fortress that kept the native tribes in total subjugation. Rebellion in other parts of Britain soon took Suetonius away from the western lands and it was another 20 years before Wales was totally conquered.

Yet by his actions on Anglesey, Suetonius Paulinus smashed the heart out of Welsh resistance and with the demise of the druids the people of Britain had lost their spiritual driving force.

Druid songs


Song, poetry, and storytelling was of utmost importance, as Druids kept no written record, instead encoding their teaching into folk tales. This is part of the reason bards were so necessary in Druidism, as their songs served not just as historical record, but were also thought to have magical powers including the ability to induce sleep, change moods, and even cause illness or death.


People from continental Europe began to settle in different parts of Britain after the last Ice Age, around 12,000 years ago. Ever since, these islands have been continuously occupied as new arrivals mixed with existing residents. 


People of our own species, Homo sapiens, may have reached Britain around 44,000 years ago. Like their predecessors, they were hunter-gatherers who made and used stone tools. At the time, sea levels were lower, and Britain was connected to northern Europe by land.

From the year 43, Roman influence transformed the way of life of people in southern and eastern Britain. The rulers organised agriculture and economic activity, some based on slave labour, around villas in the countryside. They expanded towns and built roads to speed the progress of their legions between military forts. Yet in the more remote areas of western and northern Britain, life continued much as before.

Glastonbury descendants


The population of Britain fell from a few million to fewer than one million people after the Romans left in the 5th century. Over the next few centuries, groups of Angles and Saxons arrived from northwest Germany and southern Denmark, taking advantage of this ‘failed state’ and establishing Anglo-Saxon as the dominant culture in England.

The genetic map of Britain shows that most of the eastern, central and southern parts of England form a single genetic group with between 10 and 40 per cent Anglo-Saxon ancestry. However, people in this cluster also retain DNA from earlier settlers. The invaders did not wipe out the existing population; instead, they seem to have integrated with them.


Ancient Architectural Acoustic Resonance Patterns and Regional Brain Activity

Previous archaeoacoustic investigations of prehistoric, megalithic structures have identified acoustic resonances at frequencies of 95-120 Hz, particularly near 110-120 Hz, all representing pitches in the human vocal range.


These chambers may have served as centers for social or spiritual events, and the resonances of the chamber cavities might have been intended to support human ritual chanting.



According to local legend, the bluestones possess magical and healing properties. But what Dr Paul Devereux and Dr Jon Wozencroft from London’s Royal College of Art have now discovered are the extraordinary ‘sonic properties’ of these stones, which might have led to their use in Stonehenge.

After testing over 1,000 stones at points all along the Carn Menyn Ridge, they found that on average, between 5-10 percent of the rocks ‘ring’ when hit. In localized places, the figure rises to 15–20 percent, ‘with a few very small hotspots up to double that percentage again.

Air: Element of the Heart Chakra

Anahata means "unstruck sound" as well as "unhurt" and "unbeaten". Related diseases include conditions affecting the heart, cardiovascular system, lungs, breasts, pericardium, ribs, thoracic spine, thymus, upper back, shoulders and arms. Lack of self-love, as well as the ability to love others, can result in selfishness, resentment, and negativity. These issues will appear as rocky and unfulfilling relationships. The dark archetype is the imposter, who embellishes glamourous traits in order to hide insecurities.  

The air element is directly linked to Anahata (the heart chakra) and the sense of touch. Often thought of as the place where the soul abides, the heart is a place we might consider our life energy to be held. As you’ll have read in the words above, the heart and chest are where Prana Vayu primarily circulates.

Prana has many translations, meaning ‘life force energy’, but also ‘breath’. As is the case with most Sanskrit words, the word ‘breath’ in this sense is far deeper than simply a description of the movement of air in and out of the lungs. Breath refers to the energy behind each inhalation and exhalation we take, the life force behind that breath, and the way the world around us ‘breathes’ too.

The Air symbolizes freedom of expansion and breadth. A heart that is absolutely willing to give without restriction. Vayu is connected physically to the sense of touch and emotional feelings. When the heart is open, a person feels optimistic, friendly, and motivated to believe in themselves. Building fulfilling relationships become easier when the Heart Chakra balanced, as we become more compassionate and understanding towards others.

Issues with the energy flow in the Heart Chakra can make us feel lonely, isolated, and unable to connect. This is because when we are wounded and feel stuck in the past it leads to anxiety. A person may be scared to share and trust any relationship. Any unresolved disappointment from childhood may affect our behavior as an adult.

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Issues with the energy flow in the Heart Chakra can make us feel lonely, isolated, and unable to connect

Health risk of loneliness and lack of meaningful connection

Health risks of Loneliness

  • Loneliness is likely to increase your risk of death by 26% (Holt-Lunstad, 2015)

  • Loneliness, living alone and poor social connections are as bad for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. (Holt-Lunstad, 2010)

  • Loneliness is worse for you than obesity. (Holt-Lunstad, 2010)

  • Loneliness and social isolation are associated with an increased risk of developing coronary heart disease and stroke

  • Loneliness increases the risk of high blood pressure 

  • Loneliness with severe depression is associated with early mortality and loneliness is a risk factor for depression in later life

  • Loneliness and social isolation put individuals at greater risk of cognitive decline and dementia

Loneliness is seen by many as one of the largest health concerns we face. Why? Here are the facts for England.

Loneliness and older people

  • The number of over-50s experiencing loneliness is set to reach two million by 2025/6. This compares to around 1.4 million in 2016/7 – a 49% increase in 10 years

  • Half a million older people go at least five or six days a week without seeing or speaking to anyone at all

  • Well over half (59%) of those aged 85 and over and 38% of those aged 75 to 84 live alone

  • Two fifths all older people (about 3.9 million) say the television is their main company


Loneliness and families

  • A survey by Action for Children found that 43% of 17 – 25 year olds who used their service had experienced problems with loneliness, and that of this same group less than half said they felt loved.

  • Action for Children have also reported 24% of parents surveyed said they were always or often lonely.

Heart chakra Healing

Blocked chakras can affect the entirety of our being, notes Snyder. Symptoms of blocked energy can manifest as physical ailments or disease. The heart chakra directly affects the heart, lungs, chest, arms, and hands. When misaligned, poor circulation, high or low blood pressure, and other heart and lung conditions can result. Issues that can occur in the body can also include infections of the lungs, bronchitis, and circulatory problems.

Related diseases:

  • heart

  • cardiovascular system

  • lungs

  • breasts

  • pericardium

  • ribs

  • thoracic spine

  • thymus

  • upper back

  • shoulders 

  • arms

Mentally, an imbalanced heart chakra can result in problematic issues, such as co-dependency, manipulative behaviors, feeling of unworthiness, and an inability to trust yourself or others, says Snyder.  Other signs your heart chakra may be blocked:

  • You may tend to isolate yourself excessively

  • You feel lonely

  • You hold grudges against people you love

  • You frequently feel jealous

  • You’re overly defensive

  • You have a fear of intimacy

  • You put yourself in the role of the rescuer or victim

  • You find it difficult to trust others

Positive archetype: the lover, who operates from higher emotions and idealisms

Negative archetype: the imposter, who embellishes glamourous traits in order to hide insecurities


How to balance the heart chakra


Though the heart chakra can become blocked, it can be brought back to balance through some of these simple tips.

Healthy and balanced chakra energy is vital for our mental and physical well-being. Our hear center relies on an open anahata charka for free-flowing love, compassion, and empathy. When you feel stuck in these areas, you can balance this energy center with simple tools to open your heart to the love and beauty always surrounding us.

How to deal with isolation if you live in a rural or remote area


  1. Get involved! Connecting with your neighbors through a big, shared activity is a great way of keeping yourself occupied. 

  2. Look for a job. Sometimes living in a rural area might make you feel like there are no jobs for you at all.

  3. Start chatting! 

  4. Don't be afraid to seek help.

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