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Chakras 8-15 pertain to how we can impact our existence in the Fourth Dimension, that is space and time

Based on Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, the 4th dimension appears when we group together all possible 3D space together. We’d recognize this as Space-Time, or History. It’s a collection of every possible position found along a timeline.

To fully receive the energy from the outer dimensional chakras, you should first ensure your 3rd dimensional chakras are activated.

Myths & Legends: Creation stories with origins in the stars

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Main article: Buddhist cosmology
In Buddhism, like other Indian religions, there is no ultimate beginning nor final end to the universe. It considers all existence as eternal, and believes there is no creator god.[7][8] Buddhism views the universe as impermanent and always in flux. This cosmology is the foundation of its Samsara theory, that evolved over time the mechanistic details on how the wheel of mundane existence works over the endless cycles of rebirth and redeath.[9] In early Buddhist traditions, Saṃsāra cosmology consisted of five realms through which wheel of existence recycled.[10] This included hells (niraya), hungry ghosts (pretas), animals (tiryak), humans (manushya), and gods (devas, heavenly).[10][9][11] In latter traditions, this list grew to a list of six realms of rebirth, adding demi-gods (asuras).[10][12] The "hungry ghost, heavenly, hellish realms" respectively formulate the ritual, literary and moral spheres of many contemporary Buddhist traditions.[10][9]

According to Akira Sadakata, the Buddhist cosmology is far more complex and uses extraordinarily larger numbers than those found in Vedic and post-Vedic Hindu traditions.[13] It also shares many ideas and concepts, such as those about Mount Meru.[14][15] The Buddhist thought holds that the six cosmological realms are interconnected, and everyone cycles life after life, through these realms, because of a combination of ignorance, desires and purposeful karma, or ethical and unethical actions.[10][9]


Main article: Hindu cosmology
The Hindu cosmology, like the Buddhist and Jain cosmology, considers all existence as cyclic.[16][17] With its ancient roots, Hindu texts propose and discuss numerous cosmological theories. Hindu culture accepts this diversity in cosmological ideas and has lacked a single mandatory view point even in its oldest known Vedic scripture, the Rigveda.[18] Alternate theories include a universe cyclically created and destroyed by god, or goddess, or no creator at all, or a golden egg or womb (Hiranyagarbha), or self-created multitude of universes with enormous lengths and time scales.[18][19][20] The Vedic literature includes a number of cosmology speculations, one of which questions the origin of the cosmos and is called the Nasadiya sukta:

Neither being (sat) nor non-being was as yet. What was concealed?
And where? And in whose protection?…Who really knows?
Who can declare it? Whence was it born, and whence came this creation?
The devas (gods) were born later than this world's creation,
so who knows from where it came into existence? None can know from where
creation has arisen, and whether he has or has not produced it.
He who surveys it in the highest heavens,
He alone knows or perhaps He does not know."

— Rig Veda 10. 129[21][22][23]
Time is conceptualized as a cyclic Yuga with trillions of years.[24] In some models, Mount Meru plays a central role.[25][26]

Beyond its creation, Hindu cosmology posits divergent theories on the structure of the universe, from being 3 lokas to 12 lokas (worlds) which play a part in its theories about rebirth, samsara and karma.[27][28][29]

The complex cosmological speculations found in Hinduism and other Indian religions, states Bolton, is not unique and are also found in Greek, Roman, Irish and Babylonian mythologies, where each age becomes more sinful and of suffering.[30][31]


Islam teaches that God created the universe, including Earth's physical environment and human beings. The highest goal is to visualize the cosmos as a book of symbols for meditation and contemplation for spiritual upliftment or as a prison from which the human soul must escape to attain true freedom in the spiritual journey to God.[5]

Below here there are some other citations from the Quran on cosmology.

"And the heavens We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander." (51:47) Sahih International

"Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before We clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?" (21:30) Yusuf Ali translation

"The day that We roll up the heavens like a scroll rolled up for books (completed),- even as We produced the first creation, so shall We produce a new one: a promise We have undertaken: truly shall We fulfil it." (21:104) Yusuf Ali translation

Expanding on the belief that creation occurred over a period of six days, the Muslim thinker Nasir Khusraw writes that creation occurs in six cycles, demarcated by the arrival of God’s messengers (ṣāḥibān-i adwār). This culminates in the arrival of the Lord of the Resurrection (Qāʾim al-Qiyāma), representing the seventh day, when the world will come out of darkness and ignorance and “into the light of her Lord” (Quran 39:69). His era, unlike that of the enunciators of divine revelation (nāṭiqs), before him, is not one where God prescribes the people to work, rather his is an era of reward for those “who laboured in fulfilment of (the Prophets') command and with knowledge”.[6]

Judaism and Christianity

The Hebrew Bible depicted a three-part world, with the heavens (shamayim) above, Earth (eres) in the middle, and the underworld (sheol) below.

The three-part world of heavens, Earth and underworld floated in Tehom, the mythological cosmic ocean, which covered the Earth until God created the firmament to divide it into upper and lower portions and reveal the dry land;[24] the world has been protected from the cosmic ocean ever since by the solid dome of the firmament.[25]

In the ancient world, things did not exist until they were named: "The name of a living being or an object was ... the very essence of what was defined, and the pronouncing of a name was to create what was spoken.

The Genesis creation narrative (Genesis 1) is the quintessential "logos" creation myth. Like the "agon" model it begins with darkness and the uncreated primordial ocean:[17] God separates and restrains the waters, but he does not create them from nothing.[18] God initiates each creative act with a spoken word ("God said, Let there be..."), and finalises it with the giving of a name.[19] Creation by speech is not unique to the Old Testament: it is prominent in some Egyptian traditions.[20] There is, however, a difference between the Egyptian and Hebrew logos mythologies: in Genesis 1 the divine word of the Elohim is an act of "making into"; the word of Egyptian creator-god, by contrast, is an almost magical activation of something inherent in pre-creation: as such, it goes beyond the concept of fiat (divine act) to something more like the Logos of the Gospel of John.[20]


There is a "primordial universe" Wuji (philosophy), and Hongjun Laozu, water or qi.[34][35] It transformed into Taiji then multiplied into everything known as the Wuxing.[36][37] The Pangu legend tells a formless chaos coalesced into a cosmic egg. Pangu emerged (or woke up) and separated Yin from Yang with a swing of his giant axe, creating the Earth (murky Yin) and the Sky (clear Yang). To keep them separated, Pangu stood between them and pushed up the Sky. After Pangu died, he became everything.

element of the higher chakras

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Earth Chakra 8: Soul Star


Accessing your soul star chakra can help bring healing to your lower chakras (7 through 1) when the energy from this chakra is channelled downward.

The energy drawn down from your soul star chakra can help strengthen these chakras and acts as the gateway to your higher chakras above this one.

Activating this chakra and keeping it well maintained can help make it easier to access and communicate with your spirit guides once you activate your higher chakras above the soul star chakra.

The soul star chakra allows you to feel connected to the love of the universe and feel connected spiritually on a soul level.

egyptian oil: Papyrus


Earth Chakra 9: Spirit


When you access and work with your spirit chakra, this allows you to more easily contact your spirit guides, angels and your higher self.

Guidance comes more easily when you activate your spirit chakra.

From the spirit chakra, you can receive inspiration and insight from your guides to help with your creative projects, giving you more creative ideas.

You’ll also realise what skills you’ve learned over lifetimes and that are inherit to you, which you can understand and access more readily.

If you want to work with spirit guides in your divination and/or tarot readings, this is the best chakra to strengthen and activate.

egyptian oil: Myrrh

chakra to strengthen and activate.

Earth Chakra 10: Universal 


The universal chakra helps to find your place in this universe and where you fit in.

This chakra can help you to gain access to other star systems and connect with star people.

Working with the universal chakra can help you to understand your past lives and reincarnations (not just about past lives on this Earth.)

This chakra goes beyond what we know and are familiar with on this Earth, going deeper into the universe and expanding our understanding of spirit and the physical self.

egyptian oil: Frankincense 


Earth Chakra 11: Galactic 



The galactic chakra is where you can gain galactic information such as accessing the Akashic Records.

When accessing the Akashic Records, you’ll have to first activate all the chakras under the galactic chakra.

For myself, I connect with my gatekeeper spirit guide by going through and activating my 9th chakra, then through the 10th chakra and finally to access the Akashic Records with my gatekeeper spirit guide.

To know more about the different kinds of spirit guides, check out Your Guide to Spirits Guides e-book.

The galactic chakra is also where you can access the astral plane, do astral projection and astral travel.

You can also meet the ascended masters through this chakra.

This is because this chakra is the closest to the 12th chakra, which is the Divine/Source chakra, the highest in which we can meet Source energy and the Divine.

Egyptian oil: Nile Flower (blue lotus)


Earth Chakra 12: Divine/Source


The final chakra in the 13 chakra system is the Divine/Source chakra where we feel at one and connect to the Divine and Source energy.

This is where highest consciousness exists and the highest form of information, knowledge and wisdom are accessed through the divine/source chakra.

Through this chakra, you can reach higher realms and planes on a different level or even dimensions.

Accessing the divine/source chakra can give great profound wisdom and insight from the divine and gives a profound connection to source energy and the divine, however you view or believe it to be.

Egyptian oil: Golden water 


chakras 16-22:
5th dimension chakras

Theoretically, if we now agree that 4th dimension is time, and therefore history, if we grouped together infinite numbers of histories, then physics dictates then there must be many different realities, all lining up.

Some people speculate that many versions of us exist in many realities. This makes senses if you consider that our realities are always based on decisions we make.

Chakras 16-22 are thought to operate upon how we can interact on events and circumstances that may be possibilities with other realities

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